The interior design market has become, through the years, more and more competitive, and the clients more and more demanding. During the last two decades, it has started to include home accessories that were once neglected by the majority of designers, such as doors and windows. In particular the internal doors have become one of the most important distinctive traits of a home, and both home owners and interior designers started to pay a specific attention to them. Nowadays, a door should be way more than a mere diaphragm between two different environments; it has to have its own identity, and this must comply with the rest of the house: how the walls are decorated, the furnishing, the lighting system (including both natural and artificial light). This means that it is highly unlikely that we will see a colonial style door in a modern house (or even in a colonial house furnished with a modern taste): probably it wouldn’t match with the rest of the furnishing.
Those who seem to have understood perfectly this lesson are the Italian craftsmen. Their doors and windows managed to go constantly with the spirit of the times. If we take, for example, the Cocif catalogue (that is to say one of the top notch Italian brands specialized in doors and windows), we can have an immediate insight of the current state of the art. Cocif modern doors have a peculiar approach to the concept of design, and they are able to give any environment a precise identity. The opportunity offered by the company of customizing their manufactures make definitely the difference in that sense. Nonetheless, there are a few peculiar features that, according to Cocif’s philosophy, should never be missing. Here’s the most important ones.
- As much enlightenment as possible: frameless doors. The last in state-of-the-art design, for what concerns doors and window, is the elimination of the frames. This way, a door gains up to 20% of additional enlightenment, since the surface trespassed by the light is clearly wider. This also means the chance to dim the artificial lights, saving a remarkable amount of energy every year.
- Let’s create environment-friendly spaces: natural raw materials. Wood, glass and aluminum are the materials of the future. It could sound like a contradiction, since these – especially the first two – are widely known materials in the construction industry, which has used them, in some cases for many centuries. But the newest techniques to treat those materials managed to make of them the real avant-garde in this business.
- Every door must harmonize with the surrounding environment: choose your color. Cocif’s methodology requires that every client’s request can be satisfied, especially for what concerns the colors of its manufactures. The idea behind this is allowing the client to build his/her house in total conformity with the aspect he/she wants to give it, starting from the colors.
- Size, shape, finishes: total customization. Because everything has to be done according to the client’s desires. Even the type of door (hinged, slide, frameless) and its constituent material. This is not just a way to prevent any controversy: it’s literally putting the customer at the centre of the project and making him/her feel the real creator of it. Just like every good home designer should do.