Freshmen are the first year students in a college or university. These students take their admission with a lot of hope and dreams to proceed towards success and develop their careers. Studying in a college and university is a dream for every student.
Therefore, when they joined their college they were welcomed properly with fresher programs performed by their seniors. But these fresher’s mostly have to face the bullying concept. Out of terrific panic and depression most of them think to quit their life or to leave the college.
There are also other types of challenges these freshmen students have to face while adjusting with their seniors. They most often feel disconnected with the lecturers and the other seniors out of panic which distract them from their studies.
In order to get rid from depression and stress these students often take the shelter of marijuana, alcohol, cigarette and other substance abuse which ruin their life. They often fail to cope up with the habits such as time management, selecting a list, staying healthy, maintaining sleeping hours, limiting phone scrolling and many more. Fulfilling the academic expectation of the family as well as the teacher is yet another challenge these freshmen students usually face.
In their schooling phase the students were mostly dependent on their teachers as they were provided each and every note thoroughly by their teachers. Therefore, they do not have to struggle in searching notes and gathering information from outside sources.
But college life is totally different from that of the school one.
In college you will have to collect information on your own, in that case you may attend libraries or search websites to gather information. The lectures will provide notes but in a scattered form. You will have to modify them on your own. You may not expect much cooperation from your classmates or friends in this regard.
College is a different level of place where sentiments won’t work. You have to put your each and every step very carefully and should handle your seniors tactfully.
There are several challenges that freshmen students face during college sessions and these issues are discussed below in detail along with their remedies. “When I use to study in college I was been bullied by my roommates and was terribly harassed in front of the entire college students” says Ramesh who is now an expert in TFTH.
Challenges faced by the Freshmen during their College Session and the Remedies to deal those situation
The most crucial challenge the freshmen students usually face is that they fail to adjust themselves with their seniors, their lectures and the college atmosphere. As they are dealing with a new atmosphere which is totally different from that of the school they therefore fail to cope up with the rules and regulations. They fail to understand the workloads, the lecture sessions, and the relationships they build in this phase.
As a result, these things totally distract these students from their studies and they could not score good marks in their initial stage or year. In their initial stage they have to undergo certain bullying matters which mentally create a breakdown and affect their studies. These bullied students often remain in terror and could not focus on their studies. An adjustment problem occurs within them in their initial stage.
Therefore in order to get rid from this situation, the college or university management should ban the bullying concept. In this regard they should initiate punishment whoever will be found to do this offensive crime. The lecture should give some time to these freshmen students to cope up with the new ambience and should be friendly with them. Lectures should be presented in a simple manner so that the newcomers won’t get confused and could understand them easily. The college management, the lecturer and professors should be cooperative towards these new students in this regard.
Failing to develop a time management skill is yet another challenge these students face in their initial phase of college or university life. They failed to cope up with such a huge syllabus and were not able to complete them with the provided time span.
As they are the new joiner in college therefore, they always expect that things will be the same as those that happened in school. This misconception affected their studies and as a result they could not score good marks in their first year.
Time management is a major aspect for all students while dealing with their syllabus. They have to maintain a proper schedule or time table in order to keep their study on the right track.
In this regard the lecturers should motivate and guide these new joiners to develop a constructive time table according to their own convenience and maintain it strongly. The time table should not be a hectic one that creates a pressure on the student. It should be created according to the comfort zone of the students.
As your success is going to depend on your own personal decision, therefore create a constructive time table which suits you the best. It should be created in such a manner that it helps to complete your syllabus within time.
Fulfilling the expectation of family and the lecturers becomes tough sometimes for these students and as a result, their failure stresses them with anxiety and depression. Families always expect from their child to give their best in every phase in their life. This over-expectation kills their child each and every single day and they struggle harder and harder to hold a position in college.
But these journeys provide a depressive lifestyle to these freshmen students and as a result they undergo stress and anxiety. The lecturers also seem to expect a good or rather best performance from these new joiners and as result provide them a depressive life. The students in order to impress their lecturers with good results try harder and harder to score good marks. The family as well as the lecturers should understand that these students are new to this college atmosphere and need some time to cope up with all the situations.
Therefore, instead of expecting much from them, try to motivate and support these students and help them in adjusting themselves with their college ambience. “My lecturer was a bit rude in the initial stage when I joined the college, but afterwards he became friendly with me and supported a lot in my studies” says Mohit, a trainee at TopAssignmentExperts.
Staying healthy is yet another issue faced by every freshmen student. As they have to deal with a huge syllabus with a short time span, therefore they often quit their eating sessions and avoid meals. In this way they lack nutritional growth and suffer from chronic diseases. They do not take care of their health and usually prefer the fast foods available in the college canteens.
In this regard the parents should be a bit more caring and supportive towards their children. They should educate and motivate them to maintain their health by eating more and more homemade and nutritional foods.
Therefore, the parents in this regard should prepare healthy and delicious foods for their children so that they should avoid the fast food available in the college canteen.
Complete and tight sleeping issues are usually faced by these freshmen students as they most often study late at night or talk over phones with their friends or beloved. Sleeping factor is a great and important thing which should be maintained properly otherwise incomplete sleep may affect your mental and physical health.
As the college students receive their phone for the first time ever, they engage with this new gadget all the time and skip their studies. This drastically affects their studies and mind and ruins their life. Social media, Facebook, twitter, Instagram all are the exploiter for these freshmen student’s lives. The students awake late at night and keep on scrolling the news updated in Facebook or Instagram.
In this way they get distracted from their studies and as of incomplete sleep they fall sick and skip their classes. Therefore in this regard sleep is a crucial thing which is highly needed especially for the students as they have to concentrate on their studies in order to perform better in exams.
The parents should therefore, control their child’s sleeping habit, and motivate them to reduce their phone scrolling habit. “I also use to have this poor habit of all time scrolling the phone which distracted me from my studies” says Varun who is an expert in EduWorldUSA.
Relationship issues are yet another challenge which these freshmen fellows usually face while entering into their college life. They easily got involved in multiple relationships and finally could not maintain each of them properly.
As a result, they undergo a depressive lifestyle which not only ruins their life but also affects their studies. As they are too young to fall in love repeatedly with different persons and as a result suffers from emotional breakdown which affects them mentally and psychologically.
Friendship is yet another relationship which turns a student weak emotionally. These emotional fool types of students get too involved with their friends or lovers and ruin their academic career.
These students thereby lead a frustrating life and take sleeping pills in order to sleep well at night. Therefore motivation and through counselling is highly needed in this regard.
Getting attached and addicted with substance abuse is yet another challenge these teenage college students face after they enter their college phase. When they enter or join their college in their initial stage they are innocent and try hard to perform well in their exams.
But slowly and steadily they began to develop friendships with their seniors or other students who misguide them and advise them to try substance abuse. It includes marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes and many more. These innocent students slowly become alcohol addicted and chain smokers. They ruin their life and exploit their academic career.
Therefore the freshmen students should solely concentrate on their studies and should avoid these types of friends who misguide and demotivate them.
Lethargic and lazy tendencies often force these students to bunk their college classes. They often sleep late at night by engaging themselves on the phone and wake up late in the morning and think about quitting their class. In this way after missing several lectures they often score badly in their exams.
In this regard exercising is needed in order to keep their body fit and energetic. Change the bad habits, try to wake up early in the morning and involve yourself in the body fitness activities. Exercise is very much needed to maintain the body shape and feel refreshed.
Showing temper and involving into conflicting matters with others are most often found within these students. Whenever they found themselves trapped or being misguided they start quarrelling with their friends or roommates which ends with fighting and getting injured.
Therefore, these aggressive students need counselling and motivation towards a right track. Teachers in this case should motivate these freshmen students to concentrate mainly on their studies and avoid developing friendships unnecessarily.
Failing to manage money is yet another important issue faced by the students in their initial stage. They usually misuse the pocket money that was being given to them to utilize for their necessary purposes.
They fail to manage that money in a fruitful way and often waste it in some other unimportant purposes. They should therefore learn practical ways to earn and spend money. In this regard the teacher and parents should guide these students carefully.
From the above mentioned points it is clear that freshman students often deal with the problem of adjustment and adapting to the new rules and regulations. They accidentally or unfortunately fall under the trap of some substandard fellows who often misguide them towards the wrong track.
Therefore, strong motivation and full guidance of both teachers and parents towards these children is needed in this regard.